Sunday, January 19, 2014

Grow & Bloom

WOW! What a busy few months it has been for me. Many times I have had the intention of sitting and writing and catching up on my blogging, always to have something pop up! Such is life I suppose and life is good! I cannot complain.

Like so many, I spent some time writing down my resolutions for 2014. And like so many I have already blown quite a few. Setting my alarm for 5:30 to go running....yeah...that hasn't happened. Cooking more meals at home....I will say I have gotten better. But. There is room for improvement! I did try to organize my closet- but then Downton Abbey came on...and well....which do you think was more exciting?  I actually sat down last night and pulled out this List O Resolutions to check my progress and remind myself of what crazy things I wrote down. Quite honestly, I was a little disappointed in how little I have even started for both my personal & my business resolutions! And I'll be honest- it put me in a funk. (Not a go and clean my closet funk, but a grab a blanket and my book and hunker down for the night-funk) (great book by the by, I Will be mentioning it later!)

This morning (after sleeping in until 9:00...YAY!)  I let the dogs out for their morning runabout in the backyard and I stepped out to grab Tex, their stuffed armadillo, that one of them had left out and I saw these Abraham Lincoln rose had 3 gorgeous blooms! In the middle of January!! Despite a few days of frost- this thing continued to bloom!

I don't know, maybe it sounds a little silly and cheesy, but it made me feel much better about my whole un-necessary resolution slump. I have 12 months to grow into those resolutions. I have 365 days that I get to bloom! (and clean that closet, and get my butt off the couch & run, and take that architectural tour downtown I've been meaning to, and blog, and volunteer more, etc, etc, etc....)

How about you?
Do any of you even write down resolutions anymore?
How seriously do you take them?

I am looking forward to blogging more in 2014. I hope you are looking forward to reading :)

Have a blessed day!